Does Your YMCA Have the Right Equipment?
Does Your YMCA Have the Right Equipment?
Does Your YMCA Have the Right Equipment?


YMCAs, YWCAs, JCCs, Boys & Girls Clubs

Parks & Recreation

City & County Parks and Recreation Departments & Park Districts

With Protivity, You Can Manage All These and More...

Financial Development, Cash, Transactions & Billing

Manage every aspect of your accounting, from membership and programs, to financial development, with Protivity, the Unified Solutions Package from Symmetrical Solutions, created in cooperation with our Development Partners.


Keep track of demographic and personal information with unlimited fields defined by your organization, search members by various criteria, contact members via custom e-mail lists and more.

Programs & Development

Give your customers access to online program registration, keep customized participation records, track enrollment, manage volunteer and advocacy programs and more.